We're learning more and more everyday that more and more people are concerned with winning alright; but not without principles and values that matter. Not without learning what it means to take a young man, put him through the rigors of a strong football program and have him come out the other side a little better; a little more interested in the welfare of others; a little more aware that nothing good has ever happened without leadership, that leaders create the teamwork that makes good things happen faster and more often and that communication is the primary key that opens the door to leadership and teamwork.
New head coach Natalie Randolph of Calvin Coolidge High School in Northwest Washington D.C. may be a surprise to us all--and this is going to be tough for me to say--but I hope she does well. No, guys, I'm not a trader. But it's time for someone to step up and say, "We have to look at both the long term as well as the short term. We have to think about SAT scores as well as the win/loss record."
Natalie Randolph reads Tony Dungy. I like her already. And Tony subscribes to a pro draft philosophy that includes a column on their charts marked "DNDCP" (or something very similar). This column is for players that might otherwise be candidates but are classified "Do Not Draft, Character Problems". Huh, whaddya know? Someone cares after all!
You can (and really should) read more about this here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/09/AR2010030903708.html. And then put Calvin Coolidge High School and your "To Watch" list. It will be very interesting to see where they go this year.
I'm pretty sure Natalie Randolph is going places.
Well, I'll be the first to comment on my own article, yes, you saw it too. I intended to spell "traitor" and, instead, spelled trader. I need to take a little longer break between posting to my investing forum and my sports forum. **SIGH** Sorry; but thanks for reading!